OAO By-Law Recommended Changes

Director Diana Walter, Chair of the By-Law committee, recommends the following Amendments.
Article XII
The Association may be dissolved on thirty (30) days’ notice by a two-third (2/3) vote of them membership at any meeting called for considering such proposal. Such dissolution shall be effective ninety (90) days after such vote is taken; provided, all outstanding obligations of the Association have been paid. In the event of the dissolution of the Association; surplus funds and other assets will be distributed to the Prevent Blindness of Ohio.
The By-Law Recommendations will be voted on at the 2023 Annual Conference Professional Development Event on Sunday, October 20, 2024, during the OAO Business meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Director Diana at djwalter1968@gmail.com or the OAO headquarters at (614) 505-3296.
Click here to review current By-Laws https://oao.org/aws/OAO/pt/sp/bylaws